Why am I passionate about this?

I’m a former economics professor and a member of the Australian Parliament. I’ve written over ten books on policy, politics, and economics. As someone who enjoys fresh ideas, believes in kindness over hate, loves democracy, and thrives on international engagement, I’m deeply concerned about the rise of populism and the risk that it spills into authoritarianism. Only by understanding the causes and consequences of populism can we help address the threat and shape a fairer, more prosperous, and safer world.

I wrote

What's the Worst That Could Happen? Existential Risk and Extreme Politics

By Andrew Leigh,

Book cover of What's the Worst That Could Happen? Existential Risk and Extreme Politics

What is my book about?

Over the coming century, the odds of a catastrophic event—such as nuclear war, bioterrorism, or out-of-control artificial intelligence—have been estimated…

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The books I picked & why

Book cover of The Populist Temptation: Economic Grievance and Political Reaction in the Modern Era

Andrew Leigh Why did I love this book?

Populists are dividers. They campaign on the basis of representing the pure mass of people over a reviled elite. For left-wing populists (such as those who have sometimes prevailed in Latin America), the elite are affluent landowners. For right-wing populists (the kind who have emerged in recent decades), the elite are intellectuals, immigrants, and internationalists.

Barry Eichengreen's book provides a historical and economic analysis of populism. Eichengreen traces the rise of populist movements from the 19th century to the present, identifying economic insecurity, inequality, and globalization as key drivers. He discusses how populist leaders exploit economic grievances and mistrust of elites to build broad-based support, often advocating protectionist and anti-immigrant policies.

Through case studies of populist leaders, such as Donald Trump in the United States and Marine Le Pen in France, Eichengreen illustrates the potential dangers of populism to economic stability and democratic governance while also suggesting policy measures to address the root causes of populist discontent.

By Barry Eichengreen,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked The Populist Temptation as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

In the last few years, populism - of the right, left, and center varieties - has spread like wildfire throughout the world. The impulse reached its apogee in the United States with the election of Trump, but it was a force in Europe ever since the Great Recession sent the European economy into a prolonged tailspin. In the simplest terms, populism is a political ideology that vilifies economic and political elites and instead lionizes 'the people.' The people,
populists of all stripes contend, need to retake power from the unaccountable elites who have left them powerless. And typically, populists' distrust…

Book cover of The Authoritarian Dynamic

Andrew Leigh Why did I love this book?

Karen Stenner's book presents a psychological perspective on the roots of authoritarianism and its relationship with populism. Stenner argues that authoritarian tendencies are triggered by perceived threats to societal norms and order, which populist leaders exploit to galvanize support.

Her research, based on extensive empirical data, shows how authoritarian predispositions lead individuals to favor conformity, obedience, and strong leadership, particularly in times of social change or crisis. Stenner uses examples from contemporary and historical contexts to demonstrate how populist rhetoric and policies activate these latent authoritarian inclinations, leading to support for anti-democratic measures.

By Karen Stenner,

Why should I read it?

1 author picked The Authoritarian Dynamic as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

What is the basis for intolerance? This book addresses that question by developing a universal theory about what causes intolerance of difference in general, which includes racism, political intolerance (e.g. restriction of free speech), moral intolerance (e.g. homophobia, supporting censorship, opposing abortion) and punitiveness. It demonstrates that all these seemingly disparate attitudes are principally caused by just two factors: individuals' innate psychological predispositions to intolerance ('authoritarianism') interacting with changing conditions of societal threat. The threatening conditions, resonant particularly in the present political climate, that exacerbate authoritarian attitudes include national economic downturn, rapidly rising crime rates, civil dissent and unrest, loss…

Book cover of How Democracies Die

Andrew Leigh Why did I love this book?

While some dictators grab power through violent coups, a surprising number of authoritarian leaders initially won power through the ballot box. Levitsky and Ziblatt’s book tells the story of authoritarian populists such as Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, who won elections and then eroded democratic norms and institutions.

In many cases, populist authoritarians subvert democracy not by overtly breaking the law but by gradually weakening institutional checks and balances. Populists exploit societal divisions and erode democratic norms by portraying themselves as the true voice of the people while demonizing opponents as illegitimate.

By Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt,

Why should I read it?

6 authors picked How Democracies Die as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?

'The most important book of the Trump era' The Economist

How does a democracy die?
What can we do to save our own?
What lessons does history teach us?

In the 21st century democracy is threatened like never before.

Drawing insightful lessons from across history - from Pinochet's murderous Chilean regime to Erdogan's quiet dismantling in Turkey - Levitsky and Ziblatt explain why democracies fail, how leaders like Trump subvert them today and what each of us can do to protect our democratic rights.

'This book looks to history to provide a guide for defending democratic norms when they are…

Book cover of Twilight of Democracy: The Failure of Politics and the Parting of Friends

Andrew Leigh Why did I love this book?

Anne Applebaum's book is an engaging meld of reportage and personal anecdotes, which explores why so many people have turned towards authoritarianism and illiberal populism. With a particular focus on Poland, Hungary, and the United States, Applebaum illustrates how populist movements exploit societal fears and divisions to gain and consolidate power.

She argues that populism's appeal lies in its simplistic answers to complex problems and its promise of a return to a mythical, idealized past. For Applebaum, those who become populists aren’t just strangers—they’re her former friends, and she wrestles with the question of why people she once admired have come to support anti-democratic, polarising, and authoritarian governments.

Curious about what democratic governments can do? Check out Applebaum's 2024 book, Autocracy, Inc., The Dictators Who Want to Rule the World.

By Anne Applebaum,

Why should I read it?

2 authors picked Twilight of Democracy as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


'The most important non-fiction book of the year' David Hare

In the years just before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall, people from across the political spectrum in Europe and America celebrated a great achievement, felt a common purpose and, very often, forged personal friendships. Yet over the following decades the euphoria evaporated, the common purpose and centre ground gradually disappeared, extremism rose once more and eventually - as this book compellingly relates - the relationships soured too.

Anne Applebaum traces this history in an unfamiliar…

Book cover of On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

Andrew Leigh Why did I love this book?

What can citizens do to resist against authoritarian populism? In this book Timothy Snyder offers twenty lessons drawn from the history of totalitarian regimes to guide citizens in resisting modern threats to democracy. Snyder underscores how populism can pave the way for tyranny by exploiting economic and social crises, fostering a culture of fear and division, and eroding truth and factuality.

He uses historical examples like the rise of Nazi Germany and Soviet totalitarianism to show how authoritarian leaders manipulate populist sentiments to gain power and dismantle democratic institutions. Snyder emphasizes the importance of defending democratic norms and institutions, active citizenship, and vigilance against authoritarian tactics.

My favorite example is when Snyder urges readers to get active in a community group, approvingly quoting former Czech leader Vaclav Havel’s view that his beer-brewing club was integral to a healthy democracy.

By Timothy Snyder,

Why should I read it?

3 authors picked On Tyranny as one of their favorite books, and they share why you should read it.

What is this book about?


'A sort of survival book, a sort of symptom-diagnosis manual in terms of losing your democracy and what tyranny and authoritarianism look like up close' Rachel Maddow

'These 128 pages are a brief primer in every important thing we might have learned from the history of the last century, and all that we appear to have forgotten' Observer

History does not repeat, but it does instruct.

In the twentieth century, European democracies collapsed into fascism, Nazism and communism. These were movements in which a leader or a party claimed to give voice to the people, promised…

Don't forget about my Book 😀

What's the Worst That Could Happen? Existential Risk and Extreme Politics

By Andrew Leigh,

Book cover of What's the Worst That Could Happen? Existential Risk and Extreme Politics

What is my book about?

Over the coming century, the odds of a catastrophic event—such as nuclear war, bioterrorism, or out-of-control artificial intelligence—have been estimated at 1 in 6 for the typical person, which makes existential risk fifteen times more dangerous than a car accident. 

At the same time, populism is on the rise. Populist leaders don’t just cause short-term economic and democratic harm. Populists also increase the odds of catastrophe. Reducing existential risk requires calm heads, careful analysis, strong institutions, and international cooperation. Yet because populists thrive on chaos, detest experts, and undermine global efforts, they raise the dangers of existential threats. By understanding the dual dangers of existential risk and extreme politics, we can work together to secure humanity’s future.

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A Particular Man

By Lesley Glaister,

Book cover of A Particular Man

Lesley Glaister Author Of A Particular Man

New book alert!

Why am I passionate about this?

About myself: As a novelist I’m crazy for detail. I believe it’s the odd and unexpected aspects of life that bring both characters and story worlds to life. This means that I try to be an observer at all times, keeping alert and using all five – and maybe six – senses. My perfect writing morning begins with a dog walk in the woods or on a beach, say, while keeping my senses sharp to the world around me and listening out for the first whisper of what the day’s writing will bring.

Lesley's book list on relationships and sexuality in post-World War II Britain

What is my book about?

This book is a literary historical novel. It is set in Britain immediately after World War II, when people – gay, straight, young, and old - are struggling to get back on track with their lives, including their love lives. Because of the turmoil of the times, the number of losses, and the dangerous and peculiar circumstances people find themselves in, sexual mores have become shaken and stirred.

But what happened after the war, in the time of healing and settling down? This novel examines the emotional, romantic, and sexual lives of three characters searching for a way to proceed.

A Particular Man

By Lesley Glaister,

What is this book about?

Love never dies in this novel by “a writer of addictive emotional thrillers” (The Independent).

Told from three perspectives A Particular Man is about love, truth and the unpredictable consequences of loss.

When Edgar dies in a Far East prisoner-of-war camp it breaks the heart of fellow prisoner Starling. In Edgar’s final moments, Starling makes him a promise. When, after the war, he visits Edgar’s family, to fulfil this promise, Edgar's mother Clementine mistakes him for another man.

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